
The Benefits of Green Home Renovations

Besides the lower energy bills, there are many other benefits to renovating your home with a green and environmentally friendly perspective.

In this article we will cover some of the different ways that your upgrades can help our planet, possibly even a few you haven’t thought about before. So if you are considering hiring contractors, or beginning your own renovation project, keep reading for some inspiration and motivation!

Achieve a better indoor environment

Insulating your home to better withstand the cold Canadian seasons will not only help you save money on your energy bill, but also provide a better climate for yourself and your family. Another often overlooked fact is that insulation also provides better noise cancellation and acoustics in your home, increasing the comfort levels of everyone around.

You can also enjoy a better air quality in your home by reducing indoor air pollution and promoting better ventilation. Some of this will naturally happen as you insulate your home, but you can go even further and add vapor barriers in exposed areas to also combat humidity.

Reduce the amount of water used

There are many different ways in which to conserve water when implementing green home renovations, whether you are working on a landscaping project or fixing up the bathroom.

For instance, by installing a rain catcher you can use that free water for watering your plants during a dry spell, or even run it through a filter for an outdoor shower by using a gravity fed system that is low cost and easy to install.

If you are remodeling your kitchen or bathroom, then you might want to consider installing water saving faucets, shower heads and toilets. These upgrades can save you anywhere from 20% to more than 50% of the water used during a normal day. Over time it will add up to quite a bit of water saved, as the average Canadian person uses more than 300 liters of water each day.

Making life better for the wildlife

Not all home renovations take place inside. It is also possible to be green when working on a landscaping project. This can include only planting native plants that support the existing local biodiversity, and possibly even create new habitats for the wildlife in your immediate area.

Similarly, if you have any leftover materials from your renovation project, consider spending an afternoon with your children to create a few birdhouses. By making these out of your old materials, that you were going to toss out anyway, you can further help secure the local bird populations.

Allows for passive cooling and heating

Another often overlooked fact about green home renovations is the way in which we can use passive solar heating and other similar principles. For instance, windows facing south can allow more sunlight to enter, which can help to naturally warm the home during the winter months.

By choosing materials with a high level of thermal mass, you can achieve an effect in your home that naturally regulates the temperature during the warm and cold seasons, effectively cooling the home during summer, and heating it during winter.

Gone are the days where you needed to use adobe or rammed earth. In our modern times there have been huge advances made in this field, allowing for eco-friendly bricks, stones or concrete to be used that looks just as good as the traditional ones.

The Benefits of Upgrading Your Home’s Insulation

Are you considering renovating your home to better withstand the Canadian winter? Or perhaps you wish to reduce noise, increase the value of your house, or perhaps do your part for the environment?

With insulation you can achieve all of the above and more. In this article we will cover all the different advantages that modern insulation provides, as well as discuss how it can be done cheaper than you might expect. Enjoy!

Less energy required

Few home renovation projects deliver as many benefits as good insulation. One of the most immediate results is that your home will require less energy in order to be heated and cooled down, saving your money on your utility bills, and also getting rid of those annoying cold winds blowing through the small cracks of your exterior.

Less noise pollution

Insulating your home with adequate levels of padding will also reduce the amount of noise you hear from the outside, which can be especially beneficial if you live near a busy intersection, have noisy neighbors, or just like your peace and quiet. It is also possible to only insulate certain rooms, making it possible to work from home without any distractions and a huge hit to your wallet.

Less moisture and better air quality

A properly insulated home will remove most air leaks that seep in through creeks and cracks from windows, door panels, ceilings and any other places. The air quality will be improved automatically, and if you also happen to have HVAC systems in place, you will notice even better results.

This not only leads to less energy consumption as mentioned above, but by using vapor barriers you can also eliminate a lot of the moisture that is in the air. Moisture can damage your home over time if left untreated, leading to water damage or mold.

More value added to your home

Canadians looking to buy homes are increasingly looking for well insulated homes that are ready to move into. This is because of the rising energy prices, as well as the added level of comfort that this provides.

By upgrading your home’s insulation, you can achieve a good return on your investment when the time comes to sell your home.

Certain types of insulation provide better returns, so if you are only looking to add value, we recommend you contract a professional company, such as HandyForce that can help identify the most optimal places to insulate.

Not as expensive as you might think

And speaking of return on investment, another benefit is that upgrading your home’s insulation can yield returns of up to 40% in Canada, according to the Canadian Home Builders’ Association. This is because energy costs tend to be high in Canada, especially during the winter months.

Similarly, Canadian homeowners apply for some of the various incentives set forth by the Canadian government, in order to make it more affordable overall. One such incentive is titled the Canada Greener Homes Grant, which offers up to $5,000 in rebates for energy efficient home improvements such as insulation.

If you are looking for an upgrade of your home’s insulation, consider contacting HandyForce Home Services today, and schedule a consultation with one of our insulation experts. We can help you identify the best insulation options for your home and provide professional installation services to ensure that your home stays comfortable and efficient.

3 Tips and tricks for renovating your kitchen

Do you wish to increase the value of your home? Are you tired of that one drawer that never quite opens fully? Or perhaps you would prefer updating that ancient looking tiling on your kitchen walls? There are countless reasons why renovating your kitchen is a great idea, and why so many Canadians remodel and renovate their kitchens every year.

If you are considering updating your kitchen, whether it is because you just moved into a new place, or perhaps you are just tired of the old and worn trim, then you are in luck! In this blog post we have curated 3 of our best tips and tricks for renovating your kitchen beautifully and effectively.

Luxury is defined by light and space

This might be an age old saying, but it is true nonetheless. One of the most popular things to do in especially older homes, is tearing down sections of walls in the kitchen.

This allows for more light to enter the room, and opens up the space, creating more room to move about. In some situations you will also be able to converse with family members in the living or dining room, while you are cooking a healthy and tasty meal.

By creating a more modern kitchen environment, you will not only be more comfortable, but also increase the value of your home. Buyers are always looking at the kitchen as one of the major considerations when choosing between homes, so make yours stand out!

Update your wallpaper

A fresh layer of paint can do wonders for any type of kitchen, old or new. As times change, so do our preferences of colors.

Whether for your own benefit, or for potential buyers, making sure that your walls and floors have a modern look and feel, you can ensure your kitchen is presented in the best possible light.

We recommend choosing lighter colors, as these are more neutral, meaning that it will take longer for you to tire of them, they will remain relevant and trendy for longer, and potential buyers will be less likely to have an issue with these types of colors.

Beige, white and light grey are all modern choices that are excellent, but feel free to choose one wall or section to highlight with a bold pop of color.

What to do about the old cabinets?

One of the major concerns that most homeowners have, is the question of what to do with the old kitchen cabinets. These tend to feel outdated quite frequently, but they can be expensive to replace, and are often in a good enough condition.

At The HandyForce we are experienced with all types of renovations, from completely changing your kitchen cabinets, to rearranging the existing ones, or perhaps even painting the doors on your cabinets.

If you are in doubt, just remember that we are always available for a consultation in order to help you achieve the best possible kitchen, for an affordable price and within the deadline. So contact us today in order to learn more!

The benefits of the HomeCare Plan

Are you finding that your lawn is looking like it could use a good trim, but is everyday life and work getting in your way? Perhaps you just prefer not getting dirt under your fingernails, or maybe you would rather be doing something else entirely.

Regardless of why, we at The HandyForce are always ready to help take care of your home, just as if it was our own!

That is why we offer our attractive Homecare package, where you are fully covered in terms of everything from maintaining the floorboards, to weeding out unwanted plants in the backyard.

In this article we will explain in detail what exactly this HomeCare Plan covers, and what benefits that homeowners can look forward to. Enjoy!

All inclusive and transparent pricing model

For a single yearly payment, we will perform the necessary work on your property in all 4 seasons, or you can choose to have us come around in the Fall and Spring! Details can be found here.

These packages include all the necessary materials and equipment, which we will bring ourselves, all products and gear of a high quality, fully up to the industry standards.

We believe in a simple pricing model, which means you will never receive an extra bill for the work we perform. Just the quoted price, and no more. Easy!

The same high quality of work as always

Some homeowners are cautious about letting other people work on their dream home. But as hundreds of previous clients can attest to, we at The HandyForce take pride and perform as best we can.

That includes making sure homeowners are comfortable with the work we do, and together we will go over which projects you would like us to work on, and which flower bushes definitely must not be trimmed.

In short, we will take care of your home as if it were our own.

Protect your investment properly

Our HomeCare Plan not only helps you get to the bottom of the ever changing list of chores inside the house and outside, but we also focus on checking for common signs of wear and tear that might turn into more serious issues over time.

At the same time our trained personnel will also look out for any naturally caused damage, such as from extreme weather or a change in the levels of groundwater etc.

All in all we will perform a thorough inspection of your home, to ensure there are no hidden problems gnawing away at your investment, so you can rest easy knowing your home is in good care.

What does the HomeCare Plan include?

We have outlined a large list of specific tasks on our service page for the HomeCare Plan, with an easy overview sorted by seasons, allowing you to quickly glance through and see what we offer.

But since you’re already here, we thought just to mention a few popular tasks that are included in our HomeCare Plan:

  • Cleaning the gutters
  • Clearing dead plants and shrubs
  • Inspecting the foundations
  • Changing and inspecting HVAC filters
  • Cleaning the kitchen sink disposal
  • Power washing your deck or patio
  • Checking and cleaning the dryer vent
  • Replacing light bulbs, including those that are hard to reach
  • Testing pumps and water heaters
  • Ensuring all locking mechanisms works on the doors

Home Automation

Have you ever left your home for an extended trip, and wondered whether you forgot to turn off the lights, or locked the door?

With home automation this now becomes a worry of the past, and with a smart home you will be able to keep track of and control every device and system in your home, whether you are there or not.

In this blog post we will cover some of the various things you can achieve with home automation, and provide explanations for everything, leaving you more knowledgeable and hopefully more interested by the end. Enjoy!

What can you achieve with a smart and automated home?

From simple things, such as being able to control your lighting fixtures from your smartphone, to more complex features such as using voice activated commands with Google’s or Apple’s services, the topic of home automation is broad, and covers a lot of different techniques and equipment.

Below we have mentioned some of our favorite uses in home automation, hopefully inspiring you for your next project.

Intelligent electricity usage

With the advance of technology, it has become possible to install smart electricity meters that provide a detailed overview of your electricity, gas and water consumption. This allows you to save money on your bills and keep up to date at any time.

But some systems also offer an advanced automated lighting and heating program, where the system is able to regulate the usage automatically, lowering the heat when possible, or turning off lights by itself.

Full control over outlets

One of the most popular features in an automated home is the smart outlets. By changing your regular outlets to these newer and more efficient ones, you will be able to control everything from the tip of your fingers, by using your smartphone or other device of your choice.

This also allows you to set up more advanced programs, such as automated wake up lights, that slowly turn on as you get out of bed, or perhaps even playing your favorite radio station or soundtrack.

Upgrade your security system

Another neat feature of home automation has to do with the security possibilities. You can automate and control your alarms, floodlights and camera surveillance, all from within your smartphone, as well as set up certain protocols or procedures that are triggered by certain things.

From turning off the sprinklers when motion is detected in the backyard, to automatically getting notifications with images of the cameras, there are countless smart and unique features available in this realm.

Everything combined into one smart system

And there are many other equally interesting avenues to pursue when it comes to home automation. But perhaps the single biggest advantage is that you are able to combine all these individual features into one compact package that you can control from the same app or software, making your life easier and more convenient.

From integrating your smart light fixtures, your electronic door locks, security cameras, kitchen appliances and water heater, you can experience the comfort of living in the 21st century, and even save money on your monthly bills and expenses. Pretty smart!

At HandyForce we love turning your old home into a smart one, and we take pride in inviting you and your house into the future with us, one project at a time.

So if you are interested in our services, or wish to learn more about the possibilities, feel free to contact us for a chat at any time!

Why you should use a Handyman from The HandyForce

Since our company began back in 2010, we have had countless clients, projects and experiences to help shape our mission and expertise into what it is today. And we are proud of the many satisfied customers that each year choose a handyman from our company to help make their dream projects become reality.

So in this article we would like to take a moment and explain just what benefits we offer, what services we can help out with, and why you can feel comfortable and safe in choosing us for your next project. Enjoy!

Skilled personnel

No matter the project or industry, skilled workers are in high demand because of their quality results. And this is no different at The HandyForce. Our employees are not only professional tradesmen, they are also friendly and highly experienced in their field.

This means you are guaranteed a great experience for every project, no matter the scope or duration, and we take pride in matching the best people for the job on an individual basis.

Quality comes first

When working on a project, we understand that you have put a significant amount of faith and trust in us. That is something we are extremely appreciative of, and therefore we always do our utmost in order to ensure a quality result, every single time.

Therefore we will never cut corners, use the cheaper materials, or in any other way compromise the quality or integrity of the work we perform. In short, we handle every project as if it were our own, and we are not satisfied until our customers are.

That is our guarantee for some of the best work in Ontario and the surrounding areas!

No subcontractors

In order to ensure everything is done above board, that quality is at the forefront of every project, and that every worker is proficient and skilled, we never hire subcontractors to help us on our projects.

While we might be able to cut some costs this way, we fear that it might put the quality or customer experience at risk, and by only using our own staff and personnel, we also ensure that we always have a complete overview and control of the project, from start to finish.

Everything is done in-house

By keeping everything in-house, from our employees, our administration and various other assignments, we ensure that we also learn from every project we complete. This means that we know exactly where everything and everyone is at all times, allowing us to accurately schedule your project from start to finish.

There is always something new to be learned, and by sharing it internally in our company, we continually develop new techniques and strategies, as well as keep our employees relevant and updated on the latest methods and principles.

We hope you have learned why The HandyForce is considered one of the best companies in the business, and that you are now ready to take the next step and contact us for a quick consultation about your needs. We’re always available for a chat about your project, so don’t wait – contact us now!

Why You Should Hire a Reputable Contractor

When it comes to hiring a contractor, you have a lot of options. You could go with the cheapest one you find, or you could hire a friend to do the job for you. But if you really want the job to be done right, you need to hire a reputable contractor.

First of all, reputable contractors are professional. They show up on time, dressed in a clean and crisp uniform, ready to get to work. They take the time to listen to your needs and provide you with a detailed estimate of the work that needs to be done. They also have the necessary licenses and insurance to protect you and your property.

But perhaps the biggest benefit of hiring a reputable contractor is the peace of mind that comes with it. When you hire a friend or a cheap contractor, you never know what you’re going to get. They may do a shoddy job, cut corners, or even disappear halfway through the project. But when you hire a reputable contractor, you can trust that they will do the job right the first time and stand behind their work.

And let’s not forget about the added value that a reputable contractor brings to your project. They have the experience and expertise to offer suggestions and solutions that can save you time and money. They also have access to high-quality materials and the latest tools and technology to ensure that your project is completed to the highest standards.

But don’t just take our word for it. Here are some funny reasons why you should hire a reputable contractor:

• They’re like a good pair of jeans – they may cost a little more upfront, but they’ll last longer and make you look better.
• Reputable contractors have all the right tools – and they actually know how to use them.
• They’re not afraid to tell you when your idea is a bad one (and they have the experience to back it up).
• You can trust them to handle your project with care – unlike your drunk uncle who always offers to “help” with your home renovations.
• Reputable contractors will actually finish the job – unlike your ex who always had “good intentions” but never followed through.

In conclusion, hiring a reputable contractor may cost a little more upfront, but it will save you time, money, and headaches in the long run. Plus, it’s just the responsible thing to do. Trust us, your future self will thank you.

What is a “Premier” renovation

No two companies are the same. And at The HandyForce we fully believe that. In fact, we have a few unique policies and services of our own, such as our comforting One Year Guarantee, as well as an extended HomeCare Plan that makes it easy and convenient to be a homeowner.

Why not for everyone?

Unlike most other contractors, when it comes to our Premier Renovation services, we only work with clients we already have a relationship with. This might seem odd at first glance, but it is our way of ensuring a successful project every time, since this way we will know our client, their preferences and their levels of expectation.

Put another way, once we know you, we also know whether we will be able to deliver a result that is more than satisfactory, and we will know what it takes to achieve that.

For us, few things are more important than customer satisfaction, worker safety being one of them, which is why we prefer establishing a certain level of trust and relationship with our clients before completely changing their bathroom or remodeling their kitchen.

After all, these changes are rather permanent and expensive, which makes the need for perfection at first try even more important than usual.

Our different Premier Services

We offer extensive renovation services to our previous clients in three different categories: The basement, the bathroom and the kitchen.

For each of these areas in the house, we have skilled tradesmen with years of experience and a professional education, to ensure every project is completed in full compliance of any local or regional regulations or laws, and to ensure the quality is as good as possible.

Bathroom, Basement & Kitchen renovations

These areas are some of the most used rooms in every household, and also areas that needs to serve many different purposes.

From the kitchen being a safe space for the entire family where they can enjoy each other’s company while eating dinner, offering a quick and easy midnight glass of ice cold water, to the basement providing enough space for having guests over, these rooms need to be functional, but also inviting and beautiful.

A great basement not only serves its purpose, but also helps create a certain mood and atmosphere, whether you use it to house your teenage child, or perhaps just for storage.

Having a beautiful kitchen will not only make basic chores feel more manageable, but also help sell your home in case you decide to move.

Most prospective home buyers look at the kitchens and bathrooms as some of the major points of concern and interest. Everybody needs a functioning kitchen or bathroom, and at the same time as trends change, so do our tastes in design and decor.

At The HandyForce we can help shape and build your new kitchen, basement or bathroom, to not only fit your everyday needs, but also ensure you will get the best possible value for your money, whether you sell your house or use the rooms yourself.

What Are the Commercial Handyman Services?

We are all aware of the advantages of having a handyman around the house who can professionally fix and maintain a variety of things, from the shelving in the garage to the appliances in the kitchen. However, were you aware that handyman services are offered for commercial establishments?

The following are just some of the many services that can be provided by a handyman working at a commercial building.

7 Commercial Handyman Services


A handyman can assist you in resolving various plumbing issues, including a clogged sink in the employee restroom and the desire to plan routine maintenance for your entire plumbing system. This will allow you to maintain your attention on the operation of your firm.


Particularly significant are the duties that a handyman service may undertake for you associated with HVAC systems. Some problems need to be treated by a qualified HVAC technician, but some tasks, like changing the filters, could be performed on the cheap by a handyman.

Electrical and Lighting

Electrical problems are among the most frequently encountered problems that require the services of a handyman. A handyman may assist with a variety of tasks, including the repair of light switches and outlets, the replacement of light bulbs, and the maintenance of smoke alarms.

Miscellaneous Installations

Installation work is one of the most common and broad categories of jobs that may be given to handyman services. A handyman can assist with the arrangement of compartments, hanging portraits and televisions, hanging shelves, and installing numerous other types of fittings.


It would appear that painting projects are still being worked on in an office. Hiring a professional painter is probably your best option if you need to paint a floor filled with offices. However, if the trimwork or the walls need to be fixed, a business handyman service can often take care of these issues for you.

A significant painting project almost always results in some paint being left over, so keep that in mind. Keep it in an area where the temperature and humidity are constant so you can access it easily whenever you need to make adjustments.

Roof Inspection

Do you have roof problems in your commercial building? You can book roof inspections with a handyman in your area. The handyman will provide you with maintenance and repair to help maintain your roof in the best condition.

Flooring Restoration

The floor is very important in building a super business image. Therefore, you don’t have to let your business property deteriorate with a poor floor. Hire the services of a handyman for quality flooring restoration.


Hiring a commercial handyman service on hand to handle minor projects is analogous to having an additional pair of hands available for the job. Since you never realize when a maintenance or repair job may need to be done, having this around can be quite helpful. Be sure to research the organization you are considering hiring, including checking their references and looking into their history.

6 Reasons for Basement Renovation

Instead of achieving its full potential, most homeowners tend to disregard the basement and utilize it as a storage place instead. They are unaware that a basement area that has been thoughtfully developed might contribute to the overall increase in the value of their property.

We are a top handyman service contractor, and we know that choosing to redesign your basement can assist you in making the most efficient use of the available space.

This article highlights six reasons you should hire handyman services for basement renovations.

What Are the 6 Reasons for Basement Renovations?

Utilize the Additional Area

The process of including a new room in your house might be time-consuming and costly. In addition to reducing the labor and time necessary, remodeling the basement is an excellent method to make the most of the available space.

You can transform it into a bedroom complete with all of the needed amenities, or you could use it for a myriad of purposes, such as a game room, a theater room, an office, a playroom for the children, and many other things.

Improving the home value

It is important to remember that an incomplete basement full of clutter is not appealing to potential buyers if you are considering selling your home. If, on the other hand, you renovate and declutter the basement, you can increase the number of people who are interested in purchasing your home. Your home’s worth may also increase as a result of this improvement.

Reducing energy expenses

A basement that has not been finished and does not have adequate insulation and ventilation can be a source of energy loss and lead to increased power bills. Having your basement remodeled with sufficient insulation, on the other hand, helps to keep the temperature in the rest of your house at a more comfortable level while also contributing to the reduction of air leaks and energy inefficiency.

Rental space and guest rooms

Having your basement renovated uniquely to your needs might transform it into an ideal area for use as a guest room. Because of its seclusion and tranquility, this location is perfect for renting out because prospective tenants will like the increased sense of solitude it provides. In addition, it is a simple and efficient method for generating additional sources of revenue.

Improving safety

If you decide to remodel your basement, you may eliminate several issues, such as water leaks, mold growth, and gas leaks, all of which have the potential to compromise the structural soundness and integrity of a home. This is a smart method to avoid dealing with major damage to your basement and the expenses that would go along with that.

Create extra storage

You should include additional storage space as you are formulating ideas for renovating your basement. This space can function as an additional pantry for the excess of non-perishable foods, an additional closet for apparel that is not in season, or a place to put those miscellaneous items that you just can’t find a home for anywhere else.


Do you have issues with your basement? Consider renovating the basements using a handyman service to improve safety, create extra storage, create guest rooms, etc.