
The Advantages of Energy Efficient Home Renovations

One of the most popular reasons for renovating homes in Canada is in order to achieve a more energy efficient home. And for good reason. The winters here can be brutal, and even spring and fall can see the temperatures plummet overnight.

Having a well insulated home that does not waste energy unnecessarily is one of the easiest ways to save money without much effort. Once it is installed that is. In this article we list some of the different benefits you can look forward to by renovating your home and making it more energy efficient.

Lower energy bills

This is what most people think of when talking about efficient and green home renovations. There are a number of different ways in which you can lower your need for electricity, gas and other power and heating sources, all of which share the same goal: to lower your energy bill.

In Canada one of the most important things is insulation. Whether this is by padding the roof with a thick layer to keep out the cold winds, or whether it is to upgrade your windows with new energy efficient materials.

If this is your primary concern, we recommend you talk to your contractor about which renovations make the most sense in terms of return on your investment, as some renovations can pay for themselves in a few years, while others might take decades.

A more comfortable home

By renovating your home to become more efficient, you can achieve a warmer indoor climate that just feels nicer living in. And with the lower energy costs, it will also make it psychologically easier to turn up the heat to full when the cold winds are threatening your comfort level.

By filling out empty areas around doors, windows and other openings in your home, you can eliminate drafts, improve your insulation and achieve a more stable climate. And if you choose the right materials, you will even get a cooling benefit during the warmest months of the year as well.

Helping our planet

The less energy your home uses every year, the more environmentally friendly your home is considered to be. Due to the geographical location, Canadian homes are using roughly twice as much energy a year compared to a home in the United Kingdom.

By upgrading, insulating and renovating with the environment in mind, you can do your part in protecting our planet and slowing down the effects of global warming. We have already begun to see the effects of this trend, as 2019 saw a 0.4% decrease in yearly emissions for homes. A good start, but we can do better still.

It will increase the value of the home

Finally, performing energy efficient upgrades to your home will inevitably raise the value when reselling it down the line. As more and more consumers are aware of the environmental challenges, and as prices for gas and electricity continue to rise, this will only be more important as time goes on.

Another added benefit is that if a potential buyer is deciding between your house and another, but your house has energy efficient upgrades, that could just be the deciding factor. Even if the other home is located in a slightly more desirable area or similar.

The Pros and Cons of Open-Concept Home Renovations

A growing number of homebuyers are looking for homes with an open-concept design, and the number of homeowners renovating their homes to accommodate for this trend is also surging in Canada. And for good reason too.

These open-concepts make it easy to cook dinner, while still keeping an eye on the children or guests, or moving freely from the dining room onto the more comfortable seating that the living room provides, without opening or closing doors.

In this article we will examine all you need to know about the pros and cons of open-concept home renovations, in order for you to decide whether this is something you wish to pursue as well. Enjoy!

The most common types of open-concepts

Opening up the space between the kitchen and dining room is probably what most people think of when they hear the term open-concept. This is because it is the most popular design in Canadian homes. It typically involves removing the wall that separates the kitchen and living room, creating one large space for cooking, dining, and entertainment.

But there are other types as well, such as combining the living room and dining room. This design similarly involves removing a wall, but this time between the living room and dining room to create one large space. This can make the area more spacious and better suited for gatherings and parties.

Some homeowners have gone a step further, and combined these two concepts, thus removing all the walls between the kitchen, living room, and dining room. This creates an even larger space, where entire families can socialize, while still focusing on their individual tasks or pastimes.

The benefits of an open-concept design

  • Easier access to the different areas
  • Better natural lighting options
  • More desirable for prospective buyers
  • Better use of the space
  • More options with regards to activities

The disadvantages of an open-concept design

  • Can result in a lack of privacy
  • Can result in a more noisy environment
  • Lack of defined areas
  • Storage can be an issue
  • Requires more heating and cooling

The process of creating an open-concept design

One of the most time consuming parts of these designs is removing the walls. Especially so if they are load bearing, meaning you will have to support the structure of the home in other ways. It can also sometimes require you to obtain permits before beginning the work.

Most types of floors will also need some adjusting afterwards, to account for the newly opened space that previously was blocked by the walls.

For hardwood floors this can lead to obvious transitions, and it can be somewhat difficult to hide the fact that you have added new flooring in certain areas.

Sometimes you will also need to move electrical outlets and wiring, as well as plumbing pipes and heating panels.

Luckily, these things are not as difficult as they sound, and a skilled contractor like HandyForce that has plenty of experience, will be able to make the open-concept design look as though it was always there.

If you are looking to learn more about a possible renovation project involving an open-concept design, we would be more than happy to help advise and guide you through the process. Contact us today for more information!

The Importance of Proper Home Lighting

Lighting is a critical component of any home. Especially so in Canada where the colder months are filled with gray weather and skies clouding the sun out. Good lighting not only illuminates our living space but also enhances the aesthetic appeal and sets the mood of the environment.

And on top of that, proper home lighting can also have a positive impact on our mood and mental health. By ensuring you have adequate natural and artificial lighting throughout your home, you can thus set yourself up for success and a more enjoyable life.

In this article, we will discuss some of the important reasons for installing good lighting in your home, and how it can affect your daily life. Enjoy!

Helping with your sleep

Having proper lighting goes a long way in ensuring we keep a positive outlook in our daily lives. Both natural and artificial light can have a big impact on your circadian rhythms, meaning you could experience issues with falling asleep, or waking up too often during the night, if your lighting is not effectively helping you recharge your energy levels and regulate your internal clock.

Combating seasonal disorders

At the same time, here in Canada where the winter months can be long and dark, many people experience seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD. This disorder can drain your energy levels, impact your mood for the worse, and in general cause a mental state of depression. This typically happens when we go from fall to winter, but it could happen at any time of the year.

Ensuring a comfortable working environment

If you are working from home, it is also important to consider the risk of eye strain, fatigue and other related symptoms caused by poor or inadequate lighting. With an increasing number of Canadians working from home, this is more relevant now than ever as poor lighting can even affect your overall productivity and induce headaches.

Keeps the homeowners safe

Whether you are living alone, with small children or your retired spouse, lighting is also crucial in staying free of accidents. Poor lighting leads to an increase in accidents such as falls, cuts and other injuries. By ensuring your fixtures output an adequate amount of light, you can effectively make your home a safer place to be for everyone visiting or living there.

Ways in which you can upgrade your lighting at home

There are many different methods to choose from, depending on your specific needs. We have gathered a short list of some of the most common options that homeowners choose, so hopefully you will find some inspiration here.

  • Adding more light sources can help distribute light more evenly and reduce shadows.
  • Installing dimmer switches allows you to adjust the brightness of your lighting to fit your needs and save energy.
  • Different types of light bulbs can produce different color temperatures. Some are more suitable for reading and working, while others are for doing chores.
  • Maximizing the natural light in a room can help reduce the need for artificial lighting and create a more pleasant atmosphere.
  • Smart lighting systems allow you to control your lighting from a mobile device, voice assistant, or home automation hub.
  • Replacing outdated or ineffective light fixtures can significantly improve the quality of your lighting.

If you are unsure about the best approach to obtaining proper lighting, consider contacting us. At HandyForce we are always available for a consultation, and we can provide recommendations and even perform the required work all together.

The Advantages of a Home Office Renovation

With more and more Canadians working from home, the business of home office renovations has seen a surge in recent years. This is in part due to general comfort, but there are many other advantages as well.

In this article we will examine some of the benefits you can look forward to, if you choose to renovate your home office today. So if you are not certain whether spending money and effort on an improved home office is worth it, we suggest you keep reading to find out for sure!

Adds to the value of the home

A properly designed and renovated home office can be a huge selling point when your home goes on the open market. You are not the only one working from home, and if the future buyers can save time and energy on creating a home office from scratch, it might be worth some money upfront to them.

If you are concerned about adding value via your renovations, consider using materials and colors that will stand the test of time. While you might be in love with the color purple, chances are that the new prospective buyers will not be.

Can increase your productivity

Renovating your home office can also be a way to get more done during working hours. Perhaps your walls are too thinly insulated, making it possible to hear your baby next door crying, or traffic from the outside roads.

It might also be a question of whether your current windows are not letting in enough light, in which case a dormer or larger windows could be viable options to help you stay focused during longer sessions.

Can also make your home greener

If you are renovating your home office anyway, consider adding in features to help make it more environmentally friendly. Perhaps your old light fixtures need to be updated with LED bulbs, or you could add efficient floor heating and remove that old heater that is drawing too much electricity.

You might even opt for certain organic and sustainable materials sourced from reputable suppliers, letting you work from home with a clean conscience and a unique looking office.

Can improve the function of the room

When renovating your office at home, you should also consider ways in which you can make the space more functional and comfortable for the longer days. Perhaps you have been growing tired of a lack of storage, in which case you might wish to consider some ways to alleviate that.

If your home office is not the largest out there, it might be a good idea to consider installing a sliding door instead of keeping the old traditional door. This way you can get more out of your floor plan, and at the same time also add a unique design element to your office.

Can also enhance your creative energy

By keeping in mind what makes you inspired, whether it be the beautiful color of a bamboo floor, wall to wall shelves, or something else entirely, you can also achieve a more creative outlook once done renovating.

Or perhaps your current floor plan does not allow for a full standing desk setup, in which case you might need to knock down a wall, or rearrange the existing layout. Similarly you should also consider ways in which to reduce clutter and distractions.

How to Maximize Space in Your Home Through Renovations

Having plenty of space to move around is something most of us enjoy. But with the rising house prices in Canada, it can be tricky to find a home in the right area that also affords plenty of free space for yourself, your children and everything else you need room for.

Whether you already have a home you are looking to optimize the space for, or whether you are considering buying a particular home that feels a bit small, this article will help you understand what your options are in terms of maximizing your space. Good luck!

Do not rush your decision

If you have just bought your home but have not yet moved in, you might not realize exactly what it is that makes the space feel cramped for instance. While not always possible, it can be a good idea to live in the home for a week or longer before making massive changes.

This is in order for you to get a good feeling of the flow of the space, and to get a better understanding of what would help and what is necessary. Nothing is worse than spending money and time on a renovation project that turns out to be unnecessary and thus a waste.

Opening up the space

One of the most common ways of maximizing space in a home, is by removing sections of walls that block the light and obstruct easy passages. Just remember not to touch load bearing walls without professional help, as this can lead to disaster in a short time.

Most of us are familiar with an open and combined dining room and kitchen area, but there are plenty of other areas where knocking down a part of the wall can free up room for all sorts of activities.

Consider dual purpose areas

These days there are plenty of brilliant solutions for the space conscious family. With many Canadians working from home, more and more people have turned their guest bedroom into a home office.

But what about when the inlaws are visiting? In this case something simple like a wall mounted bed that you can pull down, would allow you to keep working during the weekdays, and on the weekend convert the room to a livable guestroom.

Maximize the amount natural light

Luxury is defined by space and light. If you are having issues with the space in your home, maximizing the amount of natural light flowing into your rooms can help make the space feel larger and more open.

Consider adding windows or skylights, or removing heavy curtains to let in more light. Alternatively, a gable fronted dormer can not only add more light into the room, but even provide more square footage as well.

Build an extension to your home

Finally, the last option on our list is to add an entirely new section to your existing square footage. Whether this is connected directly to the rest of your home, or functions as a separate space for the teenager to enjoy is up to you.

You might even be able to convert the upstairs attic into a livable area. Just remember to check with local planning officers, and obtain all the necessary permits in order to fully register the area, and avoid potential fines and issues when selling the home down the road.

The Most Popular Home Renovation Styles of the Year

There are many avenues to take for homeowners looking to upgrade their home with a new and pleasing interior style. But there are countless styles to choose from, and because of the cost and time required, it can be overwhelming to decide which one to go for.

Regardless of whether you wish to begin on a complete overhaul of your entire home, or you are just looking to renovate your kitchen, knowing which styles and trends are popular at the moment can help in guiding your decision.

So we will be examining some of the most popular home renovation styles of the year, with a particular focus on the Canadian homeowners, where we will explore the different features of each style, as well as provide some general tips for anyone looking to renovate their home. Enjoy!

1. The modern style

This one might be the most difficult to actually pull off well. There are so many different interpretations of a modern interior, and so many pieces of furniture, types of wallpaper and hardware to choose from.

For this style you should consider elements such as metal, glass and concrete. The colors tend to be fairly bold but not colorful, so black and white are great options here. Ultimately, it all comes down to obtaining a balance and harmony between the different elements you add.

2. The rustic style

This style has seen a surge as of late, as it ties in well with the recycled and sustainable method of thinking. Here it is possible to achieve a relatively inexpensive look that offers plenty of charm, while also being environmentally friendly.

Whether you take this all the way to a rustic cabin feel, or simply choose a few beautiful and rustic pieces of furniture is up to you. If you love collecting and buying different individual pieces, then this style might be a great option, as you can mix and match as much as you like.

3. The Scandinavian style

This style is about more than just visiting IKEA and driving home with your car fully loaded. The Scandinavian style is a great choice for Canadian homes, as the climate in Scandinavia is quite similar to Canada.

The keywords here are light, neutral colors with a focus on minimalism and a few focus pieces to draw attention. As for color schemes we recommend white, gray and natural browns, with a few accent pieces in a bolder color for that popping contrast.

Considerations for homeowners

Before we sign off, it is important to understand that undertaking a home renovation is a significant investment that requires a lot of money and time.

Therefore, homeowners should carefully consider their goals, budget, and timeline before selecting a renovation style. Picking a style because it is popular in a given period, does not necessarily mean it will be popular a few years down the road.

So, if you intend on enjoying your renovations for years to come, then this will be less of an issue. But if you might be selling your home within 4-5 years, perhaps it might be better to pick a more timeless and traditional style.

Consider contacting us at HandyForce if you are looking for even more inspiration, a qualified contractor, or just wish to hear more about your possibilities. We are always available for a consultation.

Should you fix your drywall or let professionals handle it?

When renovating an older home, it is often a good idea to replace the old wall finishing, in order to get a more energy efficient home, a modern and fashionable look, and to eliminate any potential issues before it is too late. But should you take on this project on your own, or leave it to professionals?

All this and more will be covered in this blog post, where we aim to provide our readers with an easy overview, so enjoy!

The basics of drywalling

Drywalling is essential for keeping the winter temperatures outside, and your home nice and warm. But why is that? And what benefits does drywalling and insulating offer that similar methods do not?

Drywalling is a method used for wall finishing, similarly to plastering, but compared to this method, offers the following benefits:

  • Easy to install
  • Great insulating effect
  • Looks good and can be painted on
  • Cheaper
  • Resistant to fire

Doing it yourself

Alright, now that we’ve covered the drywall basics, it’s time to look closer at whether or not you should take on this project on your own.

One of the major considerations is the overall scope of the damage, cracks or wear and tear on the existing drywall. For tiny holes or issues, it is often possible to adequately repair these yourself, as long as you are willing to invest time into researching the proper methods, as well as money into the necessary equipment, tools and materials.

However, it is important to be aware that even minor drywall damage can be caused by a structural issue, meaning that any potential problems will most likely recur after patching up the drywall itself.

The process of doing this yourself can be time consuming, but for tiny patches it should be doable. You will need various bits of kit, such as drywall compound, masking tape, a special knife for cutting drywall, and more.

It can require a steady hand and a good eye for details when doing this yourself, as the end result will depend on how well each step in the process is completed.

Leaving it to professionals

Many homeowners in Canada prefer to let a skilled company handle drywalling projects, since there are many things that can go wrong, but also because it provides comfort in knowing that a professional and skilled worker has looked closer at the structural integrity of the home.

As mentioned earlier, issues with holes or cracks in your drywall can be caused by a serious issue with your walls or other parts of the structural and load bearing construction. At The HandyForce, we will always do a proper inspection to rule out any serious issues before starting work.

At the same time we will also be able to leverage our many years of experience in the industry, to help guide you towards the optimal choices for insulation, whether it is spray foam, batten, blown-in or foam boards.

We are also able to schedule an appointment with a professional from HandyForce, in order to evaluate the necessary steps, leaving the final decision of who to perform the actual work up to you.

The Benefits of Installing Smart Home Technology

Technology has been one of the driving factors in the history of humankind. We see it in all aspects of our lives, but rarely think of applying these modern principles and techniques to our own homes.

In this article we will discuss and explore some of the benefits that smart home technology can bring you, as well as go over some of the different options you have. Whether you wish to tinker with these projects yourself, or have a professional company handle it for you, our list of ideas will provide plenty of inspiration. Enjoy!

List of popular smart home improvements

Below we have listed some of the most typical technologies used in Canadian homes. The common denominator for most of these are that they are able to connect to your smartphone, allowing easy control and customization to fit your exact needs, no matter where you are.

  • Smart Thermostats
  • Smart Lighting
  • Home Security Systems
  • Smart Plugs
  • Smart Appliances
  • Smart Smoke Detectors
  • Smart Home Hubs
  • Smart Locks
  • Voice Assistants
  • Smart Blinds and Shades
  • Smart Water Management Systems
  • Smart Entertainment Systems
  • Smart Irrigations Systems
  • Smart Garage Doors
  • Smart Pet Feeders

Ease of mind

A benefit that can not be overstated is the peace of mind that you get, knowing you can always check in on your home via the cameras when away at work or holiday. With just a few clicks you can see if your pets are running rampant through the home, relaxing next to the sunny window, or perhaps even visiting the automatic pet feeder.

Depending on your upgrades, it might even be possible for you to remotely lock all doors and windows, turn off appliances via the smart plugs, or close the blinds so unwanted guests can not peek through the windows.

Better security

There is also the added benefit of increased security to consider. We already mentioned the option to lock your doors and shut your blinds, but there are many other types of smart home security upgrades you can make.

Most of us have heard of the automatic flood lights that not just turn on when motion is detected, but also notifies you on your phone. But smart home systems can also be interconnected with each other, meaning your alarm system can activate a whole sequence of events, enabling you to achieve the ultimate level of security.

A convenient home

Installing a smart home garage door opener can be an incredibly useful and convenient thing to add. It is possible to pair this with your smartphone, so that the door will automatically open as you reach your driveway, and automatically shut it again once you drive off to the store or work.

And with the invention of voice assistants, you can even just tell your home to regulate the temperature, turn off the lights on the first floor, or whatever else you wish. Without the need to actually lift a finger yourself. That is convenient!

What is required

Most of these technologies will require some electrical work and technical knowhow. If you are unsure how to install this yourself, consider contacting us at HandyForce, where our skilled personnel will always be happy to perform quality work.

We can help with installing and configuring moist smart devices, integrating them with each other, and also ensure everything is secure and updated. So feel free to contact us and learn more about our services!

The Benefits of Home Renovations for Older Adults

As we continue to see the average life span increase, more and more retired Canadians choose to age in place, staying put in their treasured and beloved homes they know so well.

But with that comes a new set of challenges, as their homes are typically not built for their newly developed needs. By renovating your home with this in mind, you can achieve a more comfortable home that is safer to live in and provides added functionality.

So in this article we will cover some of the main benefits and concepts that those who age in place tend to choose. Enjoy!

Safety first

Most of us think of the many safety features when talking about renovating homes for aging in place. This can encompass larger renovations, such as ripping out the old steep stairs, and installing some friendlier and easier to traverse ones.

On a smaller scale, adding bars and handrails, lining the floor and stairs with non-slip materials and other similar features can further increase the safety of the homeowners. This will not only make the home safer, but also allow for more peace of mind, as the homeowners will not need to worry as much about potential falls or other accidents.

Comfort is important

Many older homeowners have been living in their house for decades, which often means that their homes are not as modern and energy efficient as they could be. Insulating the old and leaky roof will not only save on the energy bill, but also create a more comfortable home.

As we age in place, we tend to stay home during longer stretches than when we were working. This means air quality and natural light becomes even more important. These renovations can further improve the comfort, and are often relatively cheap compared to other home renovations.

Adapting to changing needs

Once you hit a certain age, it becomes troublesome to walk down the stairs at 3 in the morning just to go to the bathroom. Adding a bathroom next to your master bedroom can be a great addition that not only makes your home safer and more functional, it can also increase the value of your home when one day selling it.

On a similar note, many older Canadians are remodeling their homes to accommodate accessibility needs. This can include installing ramps such as ramps, wider doorways and lowering the countertops to make it easier for people in wheelchairs or with bad backs to move around.

Many bathrooms have a lip, or threshold, encompassing the shower area. But this can make it more difficult to enter the shower for people with a bad back or a reduced ability to walk. And it can completely block access for wheelchairs. By renovating your bathroom and adapting it to your new needs, you can keep living in your home that you love.

Final thoughts

Home renovations for older adults ultimately have the goal of making it possible to continue living a normal life, where the homeowners can stay independent and not rely on family members or outside help for their daily chores.

At HandyForce we have years of experience helping people stay independent for longer. So if you are considering a project to make life a little easier for yourself, feel free to contact us for a chat.

The Importance of Regular Home Maintenance

Once you buy your first home, you realize that you will never be bored again. There is always something to fix, upgrade or change in a home. Home maintenance is a topic most of us have some level of experience with, but few think about how important it really is.

So in this article we would like to direct your attention towards some of the main reasons why you should never ignore signs of wear and tear, and why regular home maintenance is so crucial. Enjoy!

Keeping dry and warm

Canadian homes are susceptible to roof damage due to the harsh weather conditions in many parts of the country. Thus regular maintenance and inspections can help detect and repair small issues, before they become major problems that will force you to take drastic measures.

Preventing water damage

Unfortunately it is not just the roofs that can suffer from the weather in Canada. Everything from the basement, windows and door openings can also leak water if not maintained properly. And water damage can be an expensive issue to fix once it has taken root.

Avoiding issues with the HVAC

As you know, the Canadian winters can be harsh for our homes. Thus it is essential to have a heating system that works when you need it. You should regularly maintain your HVAC system in order to ensure you can always turn on the heat to avoid mold and humidity issues.

Protecting against pests

Depending on where in the country you live, Canadian homes are vulnerable to certain types of pests, especially during the colder months. Regular pest control and prevention measures can help keep your home safe from infestations.

And on the topic of pests, a regular inspection will also identify whether you have critters gnawing away at your insulation or wiring, hopefully before the problem becomes too severe.

Improving the indoor air quality

Proper air filtration and ventilation can help improve indoor air quality, which is especially important for those with allergies or respiratory issues. HandyForce can provide air duct cleaning services to remove dust, dirt, and other debris from your HVAC system, improving indoor air quality.

Increases the property value

Regular home maintenance helps to maintain the value of your property. When you eventually decide to sell your home, the condition of your property will significantly impact the selling price.

By keeping up with the regular maintenance, you can ensure that your home is in top condition and can command the highest possible price when it becomes time to sell on the market. You will also have a better conscience, knowing that you left the new homeowners in a good starting position.

Reduces the repair costs

By keeping your home well maintained you can also fix issues before they turn into larger projects that require expensive materials and weeks or months of contractors. As with many things in life, it is often best to act as soon as possible, and by catching potential issues early, you can thus save money in the long run.

Saves time and stress

Last but not least, if you are regularly maintaining your home you will also save time in the long run. By fixing issues while they are small and insignificant, you avoid the larger projects, or at the very least postpone them significantly.

This will also lead to less stress, as you will not have to worry about the upcoming snowstorm, as you will feel more comfortable and confident, knowing that everything is in good working order.