Our One Year Guarantee

The HandyForce's One Year Guarantee

At The HandyForce we believe in offering a quality service for each of our clients, to ensure their trust and to establish ourselves as a respected business in the community. All the work we perform is done to the highest standards, and we stand behind our decisions and our craft.

To make it easy for you to decide to put your trust and invest your hard earned money in projects run by us, we have come up with our unique One Year Guarantee.

In short you can expect to get all the help you need, if you against all expectations, should have any issues while we are working, but also up to one year after we have completed our work.

How it works

We believe in making it as easy as possible to understand our guarantee, which is why you are fully covered in up to one year after completion of the project.

If you experience any issues with any of the specifics we have been working on, we will be there shortly in order to fix the underlying problem, and of course perform the maintenance or repair job for free. It’s that simple.

Some of the things our guarantee covers:

  • Paint peeling
  • Paint discoloration
  • Door hinges being stuck
  • Cracks, chips, holes
  • Poor alignments
  • Creaking sounds
  • And much more.

No customer of ours ever needs to fear much however, as we are known for, and proud of, delivering one of the highest quality services in all of Ontario and the surrounding areas.

Still, it is our hope that with this policy, even the smallest concerns might be eliminated, so we can all continue on improving and maintaining your home to the best of our ability.

No hassle Policy

Not only do we offer this policy as the only one of its kind in the business, but we also extend this extra service to include a No Hassle Policy.

This makes it easy and convenient for you to get coverage and help, without us asking a lot of complicated questions, or requiring mountains of data and documentation.

This is not an exclusive contract for certain members either. All of our clients are covered by our One Year Guarantee, making it an attractive safetynet compared to other contracting companies out there.

How can we do this?

By offering an extended guarantee like ours, The HandyForce covers a wide range of potential issues, it might seem like a sure way to lose money over time. But that is not what we have found. In fact, our customers rarely if ever need to make use of this guarantee.

That is because our work is always performed by skilled tradesmen and craftspeople, who take pride in their work, and never compromise on quality or cut corners to save time, leaving very few mistakes and errors to be covered by the guarantee in the first place.

And since we also use products of a high quality, our customers can count on both the materials and the workforce being up to the task, every single time. That is our guarantee to you!