The benefits of a full-time Project Manager

The HandyForce Project Manager

For many projects there are a number of different tradesmen, craftspeople and other people, all working towards the same goal. And in order to ensure every different group of contractors, freelancers and technicians are working with the same set of instructions, a full-time project manager is often needed.

At first glance this profession might seem a little odd, but it will make sense by the end of this article, of that we have no doubt.

About project management

A project manager’s daily work involves organizing various divisions or departments, tracking progress, ensuring deadlines are met, and planning for future stages of development or renovation.

At the same time, a skilled project manager also serves as a bridge between the different working groups, allowing for seamless communication between different trades, skills and personalities.

When done right, project management ensures the work is completed on time, within the budget, and without issues or grievances for the customer, as well as the various employees working on the project itself.

Keeping a watchful eye and planning ahead

Projects without an acting project manager can easily spiral out of control, perhaps just in terms of the budget or scheduling, but often in more ways than one. This is because the electrician is great at doing electrical work, and the carpenter excellent at woodwork, but neither necessarily knows much about what the other one does.

This can lead to issues in terms of planning, such as situations where the carpenter can not continue work until the electrician has installed the wiring, but the electrician can not continue their work, before the plumber has done their part.

This can lead to unnecessary delay, higher costs and unhappy clients. A project manager will always stay on top of these details, to ensure every tradesman knows how and when they are required.

The anchor of the operation provides ease of mind

The project manager will always know who to contact with regards to any specific problem or challenge, and they will often be able to guide and provide council for customers looking to learn more about the inner workings of the project.

There is also something to be said for the ease of mind that comes along with having a project manager assigned. Just knowing that the client can always contact one specific person in order to learn about any part of the project can be a great relief.

Minimizing the risks

A good project manager will also minimize potential pitfalls and risks involved with especially larger projects. Their experience and education will have prepared them to account for the unexpected, to identify potential issues before they arise, and much more.

This allows them to always be one step ahead of the construction crew, and results in a smoother project with far fewer incidents.

From ensuring that the materials and equipment ordered are the correct ones, to making sure workers are properly knowledgeable about the client requirements, there are many ways to minimize risks, and a great project manager will make use of them all.